Apemin Tusnad S.A., o societate organizata si existand in mod legal in baza legilor romane, cu sediul social in Str. Garii nr. 599/C, Sat Tusnadu Nou, Comuna Tusnad, Judet Harghita, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr. J19/252/1999, cod unic de inregistrare 12071773 („Apemin”) actioneaza in calitate de operator de date in legatura cu prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal ale utilizatorilor paginilor noastre de pe retelele de socializare („utilizator” sau „dumneavoastra”).
Pe langa noi, mai exista si administratorul platformei de socializare. In ceea ce priveste prelucrarile de date cu caracter personal efectuate de catre administratorul platformei retelei de socializare (de ex. administrarea membrilor si a informatiilor distribuite), asupra acestora avem doar un control limitat. In cazurile in care avem control si putem parametriza prelucrarea datelor, actionam in limitele posibilitatilor pentru a asigura prelucrarea datelor de catre administratorul platformei retelei de socializare, in conformitate cu Regulamentul nr. 679/2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce priveste prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si privind libera circulatie a acestor date (“GDPR”). In multe cazuri insa, nu putem controla prelucrarea datelor de catre administratorul platformei de socializare si nici nu putem cunoaste cu exactitate ce fel de date prelucreaza acesta. Pentru mai multe detalii despre prelucrarea datelor dumneavoastra de catre administratorul platformei de socializare, va rugam sa consultati politica privind prelucrarea datelor disponibila pe pagina acestuia.
In cele ce urmeaza, dorim sa va informam cu privire la modalitatea de utilizare a datelor dumneavoastra pe paginile noastre de pe retelele de socializare pe care suntem prezenti, cum ar fi precum Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin („Pagina”), in conformitate cu prevederile art. 13 din GDPR. Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie aceasta Politica privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal.
Scopurile si temeiurile prelucrarii datelor cu caracter personal
Scopurile prelucrarii datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal de catre Apemin pe Pagina sunt reprezentate de: administrarea Paginii, activitati de marketing, constand in trimiterea de informatii privind oferte, produse, servicii, campanii, concursuri, precum si alte informatii cu privire la produsele si promotiile noastre, interactiunea cu dumneavoastra, solicitarea feedback-ului utilizatorului si contactarea sa cu privire la utilizarea Paginii.
Din cand in cand, aveti posibilitatea de a participa la concursuri organizate pe Pagina. Pentru a desfasura un concurs, prelucram datele dumneavoastra in scopul inscrierii in concurs, verificarii eligibilitatii, al determinarii si notificarii castigatorului, al trimiterii premiului si, daca este cazul, al publicarii castigatorului.
Temeiurile juridice de prelucrare sunt reprezentate de art. 6 alin. (1) lit. (a), lit. (b), lit. (f) din GDPR, dupa caz, respectiv consimtamantul utilizatorului, incheierea si executarea unui contract si indeplinirea interesului legitim al Apemin.
Categorii de date cu caracter personal
Pentru indeplinirea scopurilor de prelucrare mentionate mai sus, Apemin poate prelucra urmatoarele categorii de date cu caracter personal: numele si prenumele, adresa de e-mail, ID-ul de utilizator, date pe care ni le oferiti voluntar atunci cand alegeti sa participati la diverse activitati in legatura cu Pagina, cum ar fi comentariile, intrebarile, videoclipurile, imaginile, like-urile, mesajele publice, preferintele, opiniile, feedbackul, raspunsurile la sondaje. Daca alegeti sa impartasiti date cu caracter personal despre dumneavoastra prin intermediul profilului dumneavoastra, prin chat online sau alte zone interactive ale Paginii, va rugam sa retineti ca toate datele pe care le dezvaluiti in aceste zone sunt publice si acestea vor putea fi accesate de orice persoana care acceseaza Pagina.
Dezvaluirea datelor cu caracter personal ale dumneavoastra
Utilizarea de catre dumneavoastra a platformelor retelelor de socializare poate implica prelucrarea de date cu caracter personal intr-o tara terta, inclusiv in afara Spatiului Economic European, de catre administratorul acelei platforme. Asupra acestora, Apemin nu va avea niciun control.
Apemin poate divulga datele cu caracter personal pe care le-a colectat despre dumneavoastra in anumite situatii, precum:
In cazul in care este necesara dezvaluirea datelor dumneavoastra cu caracter personal pentru a raspunde anumitor proceduri juridice, pentru a cerceta si a remedia eventuale incalcari ale politicilor noastre sau pentru a proteja drepturile, proprietatea si siguranta noastra si a celorlalti, este posibil sa divulgam datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, in conformitate cu dispozitiile legale aplicabile.
Datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal pot fi transmise catre terte persoane care presteaza servicii pentru noi sau in numele nostru, inclusiv analiza de date, evaluari statistice si monitorizarea succesului publicitar, furnizarea de e-mailuri, servicii de gazduire web, serviciu clienti si asistenta de marketing.
Daca interactionati cu alti utilizatori ai Paginii, acei utilizatori pot avea acces la datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal, precum: numele si prenumele, ID-ul de utilizator, imaginea si alte date despre comportamentul dumneavoastra pe Pagina, inclusiv trimiterea de invitatii catre alti utilizatori, discutii cu alti utilizatori, aprecierea postarilor, urmarirea blogurilor.
Atunci cand postati comentarii, contributii sau alt continut in Pagina, postarile dumneavoastra pot fi vazute de toti utilizatorii si pot fi distribuite in mod public in afara Paginii.
Este posibil sa utilizam module cookie in cadrul Paginii pentru a personaliza Pagina si a va imbunatati experienta. Atunci cand accesati Pagina, datele dumneavoastra cu caracter personal nu sunt colectate prin utilizarea tehnologiei de monitorizare. Majoritatea browserelor sunt setate sa accepte implicit module cookie. Puteti elimina sau refuza modulele cookie, insa va rugam sa retineti ca o astfel de actiune ar putea afecta disponibilitatea si functionalitatea Paginii.
In calitate de utilizator al Paginii, beneficiati de urmatoarele drepturi: dreptul la informare, dreptul de acces, dreptul la rectificare si stergere, dreptul la restrictionarea prelucrarii, dreptul la portabilitatea datelor, dreptul de opozitie, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale, dreptul de a va adresa justitiei si Autoritatii Nationale de Supraveghere a Prelucrarii Datelor cu Caracter Personal.
Pentru exercitarea drepturilor dumneavoastra, precum si pentru clarificarea oricaror aspecte legate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, puteti transmite o cerere in atentia Responsabilului cu protectia datelor cu caracter personal, la sediul Apemin sau pe adresa de e-mail: dpo@tusnad.com.
The processing of your personal data by Apemin TusnadSA ("Apemin Tusnad") is carried out in compliance with the provisions of this policy.
The purpose of this policy is to explain to you what data we process, why we process them and what we do with them when you enter into a legal relationship with Apemin Tusnad(for example, when you purchase products from us or when you visit this website).
We are serious about privacy and never sell lists or email addresses. We are aware that your personal data belongs to you, which is why we make every effort to store them securely and process them carefully. We do not provide personal data to third parties without informing you, other than to those employees of Apemin Tusnad who are responsible for processing personal data.
In order for your data to be processed securely, we have undertaken every effort to implement appropriate measures to protect the personal data you share with us.
Apemin Tusnad uses the personal data of certain categories of individuals during the course of its activities. This may include the personal data of the users of this website, those of the customers, employees, managers and collaborators/contractual partners of Apemin Tusnad, of the participants in our marketing campaigns or the contests organized by Apemin Tusnad.
By personal data is meant information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, i.e. information about a person whose identity is either obvious or can reasonably be determined by obtaining additional information.
If data about such a person are processed, that person is referred to as a "data subject" as defined in the personal data protection legislation.
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation no. 679/2016 ("GDPR"), the personal data processed by Apemin Tusnad may be used for purposes such as:
Cookies are text fragments stored on your computer, mobile device or other equipment from which you access the Internet by websites you visit. This automatic data storage technology is widespread and is used to collect information such as: browser type and operating system, source page, domain name from which the visitor linked to the site. The purpose of using cookies is to understand how users use this website and to help us tailor our website content to your needs.
The cookie is installed via a request issued by a web-server to a browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is completely "passive" (contains no software, viruses or spyware and cannot access information on the user's hard drive).Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.
Cookies are NOT viruses. They use plain text formats. They are not made up of pieces of code, so they cannot be executed, nor can they auto-run. Consequently, they cannot be duplicated or replicated on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they can not perform these functions, they can not be considered viruses.
Browsers usually have built-in privacy settings that provide various levels of cookie acceptance, validity period and automatic deletion after the user has visited a particular site.
Tips for a safe and responsible cookie-based browsing
For the functioning of this website, Apemin Tusnad uses a single functional cookie, of the PHPSESSID type, stored only until the page is exited.
Apemin Tusnad processes your personal data for the period required to perform the contracts, to comply with the legal obligations incumbent on the Company or in accordance with the applicable limitation periods, or to comply with the archiving obligations laid down by the applicable legislation (for example, those specific to the fiscal, financial and accounting fields or the employment sphere).
After the end of the storage period, personal data will be destroyed or deleted from our IT systems or transformed into anonymized data insofar as it is necessary to use such data for scientific or statistical research purposes.
There are situations in which your data may be transmitted to our lawyers, consultants or experts, to courts, public institutions or authorities and to our auditors, as well as to our service providers. In special situations, at the request of law enforcement or public authorities, your personal data may also be transmitted to these authorities.
Where data processing is based on consent, Apemin Tusnad will inform you of this before you give your consent.
Personal data of minors (such as: first and last name, address, telephone number, educational establishment, other personal data of minors, personal data of family members) will not be processed by Apemin Tusnad without the prior consent of their parents/legal representatives.
In the event that Apemin Tusnad intends to use your data for a purpose other than that for which they were collected, Apemin Tusnad will inform you in advance of the secondary purpose and will provide you with any other information required by law.
Your personal data will be processed by members of the Apemin Tusnad staff who are in charge of processing such data. Your personal data will not be transferred to a third country that does not provide an adequate degree of protection.
Your rights with regard to the processing of your personal data, as provided for in the GDPR, are the following: the right to be informed, the right of access to your data, the right to rectification of incorrect data, the right to erasure of data, the right to the restriction of processing, the right to be notified of the rectification or erasure of personal data, the right to data portability, the right to object, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to refer to the competent data protection authority and the competent courts.
The rights listed above are not absolute. There are exceptions, therefore each application received will be analysed in order to decide whether it is justified or not. Provided that the request is justified, we will facilitate the exercise of your rights. If the application is unfounded, we will reject it, but we will inform you of the reasons for our refusal and of your rights to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority and to take legal action.
To exercise these rights, you may submit a written application, signed and dated, to dpo@apemintusnad.com
In the application, you have to specify whether you want the information to be sent to a specific address (even an e-mail address) or through a courier service that ensures personal delivery.
We will strive to process your application within 30 days. However, the deadline may be extended in accordance with the law, depending on various aspects, such as the complexity of the application, the large number of applications received or the impossibility of identifying you within a reasonable time.
If we make every effort but are unable to identify you, and you do not provide additional information to enable us to identify you, we are not required to process your application.